Whenever sending an email for business purpose, one thing that always comes to mind is Security. It always considers using highly Secured SMTP Server for sending any Promotional or Transactional Email (Email Marketing Services) to clients and customers. There are 2-4% Emails that infected by the virus and breach security easily.

Best Email Marketing Services India

So we will discuss some best practices which prevent you to do any kind of mistake while sending an email:

Never allow an e-mail client to fully render HTML or XHTML e-mails without careful thought

At the absolute most, if you have a mail client such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla (Email Marketing Services) Thunderbird that can render HTML e-mails, you should configure it to render only simplified HTML rather than rich HTML – or “Original HTML,” as some clients label the option. Even better is to configure it to render only plain text. When rendering HTML, you run the risk of identifying yourself as a valid recipient of spam or getting successfully phished by some malicious security cracker or identity thief. In fact, to use a mail (SMTP Server) user agent that is normally incapable of rendering HTML e-mail at all, showing everything as plain text instead.

Use a local POP3 or IMAP client to retrieve e-mail

This means avoiding the use of Web-based email Marketing services, such as Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo! Mail for the email you want to keep private for any reason. Even if your Webmail service provider’s policies seem sufficiently privacy-oriented to you, that doesn’t mean that employees won’t occasionally break the rules. Some providers accused of selling email addresses to spamming “partners.”

Ensure that your email authentication process Encrypted

The reason for this is simple: You do not want some malicious security cracker listening in on your authentication session with the SMTP server. Someone who does this can then send emails as you, receive your email, and generally cause all kinds of problems for you. Check with your ISP’s policies to determine whether authentication encrypted and even how it encrypted.

Avoid unsecured networks

If, for some reason, you absolutely positively must access an email account that does not authorize over an encrypted connection. Never access that account from a public or otherwise unsecured network Ever. Under any circumstances (Email Marketing Services).

Be aware of both your virtual and physical surroundings when communicating via email. Be careful. Trust no one that you do not absolutely have to trust. And recognize the dangers and potential consequences of that trust.

Your email security does not just affect you; it affects others, as well, if your email account compromised. Even if the email account itself is not compromised, your computer may be if you do not take reasonable care with how you deal with emails – and that, in turn, can lead to affecting both you and others adversely as well

Use BCC when sending to multiple recipients

It’s a bad idea, from a security perspective, to share email addresses with people who have no need for them. It is also rude to share someone’s email address with strangers without permission. Every time you send out an email to multiple recipients with all the recipients’ names in the To or CC. It means you’re sharing all those email addresses with all the recipients. Email addresses that are not explicitly meant to be shared with the entire world should, in emails addressed to multiple recipients, be specified in the BCC: field. Because each person will then be able to see that he or she is a recipient, but will not be able to see the email addresses (Email Marketing Services) of anyone else in the BCC: field.

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