Email marketing can be a way to keep in touch with old customers, reminding them why they bought from your store in the first place and keeping them up to date with what’s happening with your business. It’s also a way to reward loyal customers by offering them discounts or incentivize customers who haven’t been back in a while to stop by your online boutique.

The format of an email also gives you more room to get your message out there and say things that just won’t fit into a 140 character tweet. But what’s the best way to go about starting an email campaign, and what are some of the best practices of email marketing.

Some Important Tips which can increase Email Marketing Sales

Send Timed Discounts

Similar to personalizing your emails, shoppers respond well to discounts that are sent to them ahead of personal events like birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Of course, you can also try sending timed discounts for all the big shopping holidays, like Mother’s Day and Christmas. Black Friday and Boxing Day sales emails tend to be well-received because people are anticipating sales and actively searching for what’s on offer.

Personalise Your Emails

Whenever possible, address your email recipients by their first name. If you don’t have this information, keeping the email general with a familiar tone is your best route.

Prominent email Sign Up Bar 

You can collect email addresses at checkout and on your About Us page (since customers have already shown an interest in learning more about you). But you should also have a prominent email sign-up bar on your online store’s landing page so that your email list, and therefore your email reach, grow as much as possible.

Use Email To getting Testimonials

Testimonials give people the confidence to click ‘buy’ on your website, but they’re harder to get than you might think. If no one takes the bait, you can add an incentive such as a prize drawing or a small discount on their next purchase. However, a personalized automated email asking people for their feedback. On their specific purchases, with the promise that you’re listening. And will share their reviews whether they’re good or bad, will often do the trick.

Reward Loyal Customers

Like most things in life, e-commerce sales usually follow the 80/20 rule when it comes to who drives revenue. Usually, a large part of your overall revenue will come from a small number of clients. And those are the ones that you want to reward. Because they’re already more likely to engage with your emails, redeem your coupons, and repeat business. Some experts recommend dividing your customers into 5 tiers. According to their ‘loyalty’ and target these tiers according to their level of engagement with your brand. You may not even have enough customers to separate them into 5 tiers. But pay attention to who buys the most from you and send them email incentives.

Build Conversion Opportunities

This can be something as small as ‘follow me on Twitter’ or as big as ‘Become a lifetime member. One great tip is to give people something of value in the email. As they’ll want to click it and get used to receiving useful, clickable links in your emails. You can put out a link to your free e-book or other free online content, videos that you think would be engaging. Anything that gets them actively opening and clicking through.

Remind Customers Who You Are, Every Time

Don’t assume that because someone has been on your email list for months. That they know who you are and what you do. Remember our post on describing your business in 140 characters. That bite-sized description should go out with every email you send. With a clickable link to read more about who you are.

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