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E-commerce Email Marketing

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7 E-Commerce Email Marketing Strategies

Email marketing is the life and blood of e-commerce, but if you are using it wrong, it won’t generate you any sales. when you look at companies like overstock do you know where they are getting the majority of their sales from Email marketing that’s how powerful it is.

Today, I am going to share with seven e-commerce email marketing strategies, that acts like a charm:-

  1. scrub your list
  2. Trigger-based emails
  3. Time-based emails
  4. promotional-based emails
  5. Text-based emails
  6. up sells and down sells
  7. Last but not least

#1 Scrub your list:- 

The reason I say scrub your list too many people have e-commerce email marketing out there and they are just like, my list is huge, I am at 1,00,000 and I am at 2,00,000 and I am going to keep emailing everyone. well, what you will find is your email’s going to the promotions tab.

why is it going to the promotions tab? it’s cause you keep emailing people that are not opening up your emails. if you scrub your list, only email the people that are opening it, your deliverability rates go up, you get into the inbox, and your open rates go up, your clicks go up, your sales go up. ‘

if you are using a good email provider like Convert Kit, they automatically do it for you. some email providers like Mailcot, they may eventually end up changing it, they don’t like it when people scrub your list cause it makes their revenue go down, but if you do not scrub the list you will notice that your emails will go more into the promotions tab and you won’t do as well .

#2 Trigger-based emails:- 

If someone is on your email list, they add stuff to their cart, but they don’t complete their checkout, what should your email be to them? it should be how they can complete that checkout for those products. you can even put review in that email to show what it is like if they bought your product or service, more so product, ’cause this is e-commerce. that is super effective.

when someone goes to their checkout they have these products and they don’t checkout, but then, you shoot an email being like, check out our e-commerce store, here’s all these products that we sell. well, that is a terrible email. they already added the ones they want to buy, but they just need that push over the edge. maybe some testimonials, whatever maybe to get them over the edge, that will help a lot, and you will notice a ton of sales from that.

#3 Time-based emails:-

Here’s what I mean by that. everyone’s like, you send out an email, people open it up whenever they do. if you have a ton of unopened emails in your inbox, what happens? you will find that you are less likely to go through all the ones that are at the bottom and open ’em up.

people get lazy, it is not just you, it is everyone. so you want to look at what time that person came to your site and put in their email. that is when you should be sending them email. I try to stick within that timeframe, usually within an hour, versus sending it whenever it is my convenience.

#4 promotional-based emails:-

I know discounts and servicing is not necessarily the best thing to do, but in e-commerce when you do things like cyber Monday and Black Friday sales or a Christmas special or new year’s special, you will see a whole slew of sales come in. so you want to make your campaign set up in advance.

you don’t want to be at the last minute writing these emails. if you can go and write them in advance and you leverage these promotional-based periods, you will notice a ton of sales. what we have seen in e-commerce is during these peak holiday seasons you can typically get 25, 30% off your sales. that is a lot from a holiday season, even though there is a whole 12 months in a year.

#5 Text-based emails:-

Most e-commerce companies love using image-based emails. Do you know what happens with image-based emails? they get pushed in the promotions tab. google, Gmail and outlook, they all know that when someone sends you an email with a ton of images, it is usually a promotion versus when someone sends you a text-based email it is typically a friend, hence you want to use text-based emails.

#6 Up sells and down sells:-

Typically when someone buys from your e-commerce product you are going to have upsells and down sells on the checkout page. if you don’t, make sure you add ’em. but here is the thing. Most of your audience will not buy the upsells and down sells right then and there, so what you want to do is look at the products people are buying, and then, send them those upsells and down sells in email.

sure, you want to still have ’em on the checkout page right after they purchase, but you also want to follow up through email for all the people that don’t buy your upsells and down sells. on your thank you pages where you have these up sells and down sells, usually they are short and to the point. through email they can be much more in-depth, longer, and you want to space it out.

if they don’t but right away, you don’t want to hit ’em the next day with an email being like, buy this down sell. you want to give it a week or two after they receive the product, they get to use it. you want to follow up with all the other things that they can buy that can make that experience even better. it is very important to get the timing right. the moment you get the timing wrong, that is when you will see that those emails won’t convert at all.

#7 last but not least:-

When you are doing email marketing it is not just about email. it is very similar to email about the strategies that I am going to break down. it is push notifications. I use email combined with push notifications.

For more related information, than you can check out the link migomail and telcob.

Email Marketing

Increase Your E-Commerce Sales With Email Marketing

E-commerce sales with email marketing is a very important concept of marketing to boost sales of e-commerce companies. The use of email marketing in the eCommerce industry is huge. After all most of us only need to scroll through our inboxes to realize that. Now while the majority of the big retail brands have got. It covered with their regular newsletters, promotions and automated welcome, birthday and shopping cart reminder emails, there is a huge untapped opportunity for small to mid-sized retail businesses to leverage email and use it to attract, engage, convert and retain customers. With this in mind, here are 3 tips on how to best use email marketing for e-commerce and ultimately increase your sales.

E-commerce sales with email marketing, Email marketing for E-commerce

How to Increase E-commerce Sales with Email Marketing

1. Continually develop your mailing list

Growing your email mailing list, whether it be from scratch or as an ongoing effort, can be daunting, but fortunately for eCommerce brands, there are a number of things you can do to encourage both prospective and existing customers to subscribe to your email campaigns.

The key thing to remember here is that you will need to incentivize them and offer something of value, in exchange for their email address. For many types of businesses, one of the most effective ways to do this is through the use of an online contest.

2. Don’t just send an email newsletter

While it is likely you will want to create a regular email newsletter, there are various types of emails you can, and should, be sending your email subscribers.

Welcome emails are not only incredibly successful, achieving an average open rate of 50% and generating 320% more revenue per email than other promotional campaigns, but they are also increasingly expected by customers – specifically 74.4%.

Additionally, shopping cart abandonment emails can be incredibly powerful for increasing conversions. After all these customers have already shown intent to buy an item from you. And a simple reminder can persuade them to complete the purchase.

3. Ensure your emails actually drive action

Email campaigns are all well and good. But if you’re not actually driving any action then they are likely a wasted effort.

Before anything else, we should point out that this action doesn’t always have to be a sale. While this is obviously a key focus, eCommerce email campaigns can also encourage a number of other things. Including encouraging customers to read your blog, leave a review or whitelist your emails.

Regardless of which action your email focuses on, you should always use high-quality call-to-actions (CTAs). In other words, they should be easily identifiable as people tend to scan promotional emails. And contain compelling language that ultimately entices the recipient to click through.

Read this article for ” Ecommerce SEO: A Complete Guide To Rank Ecommerce Website” 

Another important thing to consider is the email subject line. At the end of the day, no matter how great your email is. If you fail to grab the recipient’s attention. Then your email probably won’t get read. For this reason, you should ensure that your subject line uses words. And phrases that both piques their interest and creates a sense of urgency. While also using actionable language such as “buy”, “purchase” and “take”. Personalization is also another great way to increase open rates!

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