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Email Marketing, Marketing Automation

Best Practices for Email Marketing : Marketing Automation

Email Marketing Automation is proving to be the email marketer’s knight in sparkling protective layer. It’s an efficient and systematic method for sending promotional and transactional emails without having to really press a “send” button. That is relatively similar to setting up automatic payments for your bills and credit cards. Sending automated email messages (Email Automation) guarantees you’re not missing passing opportunities, gives more relevant and customized substance to your clients and — above all — saves you heaps of time.


Email Marketing Automation

Terms of Email Marketing Automation

Email Marketing Automation is called via many names like nurture, drip, triggered Emails and so on. Whatever term you use to characterize marketing automation, one thing is clear: It’s about accomplishing more with less and driving results and long-term systems to enhance client lifetime value. Email automation has been at the core of business-to-business (B2B) marketing for many years. B2B marketers take a look at email marketing automation as a type of lead nurturing.

Best Practices for Email Automation

Try not to automate for automating

Automation is incredible, however, it’s a quality-over-quantity equation. Automating each bit of your email marketing system won’t take care of the majority of your issues. You can’t represent each remarkable moment or unexpected event. Rather, begin via automating one portion of your Email Marketing program and sprinkle in more automated ingredients as you gain bits of knowledge and experience.

Create a Strategy

All that you do requires a procedure that depicts how you will accomplish a result and the sorts of estimations required to understand when that result achieved. When you have this, you can back into the strategies and technology important to convey that vision to realization.

Quality Content Makes all the Difference

Email automation can’t make up for trashy content. While it can help deploy content more rapidly and proficiently, creating engaging content still requires that human. You ought to be constantly tweaking and enhancing your content flows with the goal that your emails emerge in the inbox.

Set up performance monitoring

It’s a data-driven world and we all live and die by key performance Indicators. Realizing what’s working and what isn’t by observing performance metrics and adjusting your technique around these bits of knowledge is key for an email automation program that delivers steady, long terms results.

So Email Marketing Automation is about something beyond streamlining email. It’s tied in with boosting the effectiveness and accomplishment of your marketing strategy. A completely enhanced email strategy accomplished through a close connection between email information, matrics, and automation.

Email Marketing

Basic Email Marketing Tips for small business

As a small business proprietor, just how important it is to stay in the front of your clients’ minds. And what’s the easiest manner to do that? running a successful and properly thought out email marketing campaign, of course!

Get a jump start on the competition via following our 8 email marketing guidelines for small businesses:-

Make it easy to subscribe

This appears obvious, but you would be surprised how many small companies have a regular email newsletter. However, do not have an area to subscribe to emails on their website. However not having a place to subscribe isn’t even the worse mistake a company could make. Of the most common mistakes, I’ve seen are having a broken subscribe hyperlink and requiring too much information upon sign up. People want a brief and easy newsletter signup. Instead of requiring their first name, last name, address, phone variety, and email, simply ask them for their name and email. This is an example where less is more.

Create a newsletter that matches your brand

Email newsletter templates are fantastic for one reason and one reason alone—they’re easy to use. Instead of the use of a templated newsletter, we recommend custom designing (or at least as much as possible) the template to ensure that it matches the appearance and feel of your brand. You have to be aiming for consistency among your email marketing campaigns and your website. Subscribers may be puzzled when they receive an email newsletter that seems to haven’t any tie to the company website they subscribed on.

Make it easily digestible

How many emails show up in your inbox on a daily basis? If I had to guess, I’d guess lots! I feel like everything I open my email there are 15 new emails waiting to be read. Due to this, you need your content to be engaging, however not only that, it needs to be easily digestible as properly. customers aren’t going to spend minutes analyzing via every detail in your email newsletter. It’s like that they’re going to open it. And skim via until they find the section that interests them the maximum. To ensure customers can discover what they need, when they want it, make certain your email newsletter has an easy design and is broken up into sections.

Don’t forget about mobile

Nearly 68 percent of emails opened on a mobile device—and that number only expected to continue rising. So, is your email marketing campaigned optimized for mobile devices? Or do you only look at it from a laptop or desktop computer? if you don’t layout your email for mobile gadgets—no matter how relevant your message is—you can find your self-dealing with minimal conversions.

Test your newsletter on different devices

Before you start to send out your email marketing campaign, send a few test emails to distinctive devices, such as an iPhone, iPad, Android, etc. These tests will help make certain that the consumer experience is top notch across all devices. You can just have a few easy fixes like making some cosmetic or template changes. However, you could discover that the template completely distorted on one device. Testing is one of the most effective steps you may take to avoid mistakes like this. Possibly saving you from sending out a poor converting email simply because people couldn’t access the information.

Include links to social and review platforms

If customers have subscribed to your small commercial enterprise email newsletter, it’s likely that they enjoy receiving regular updates. If you are active on social media, it’s a wonderful idea to consist of links within the email. Your newsletter subscribers won’t have realized you had a facebook where you publish different specials and are probably willing to “like” your web page since they’ve already committed to your newsletter. It’s also likely that the newsletter subscriber has previously engaged along with your company for a service or product. Because of this, providing links to review platforms like Google+ and Yelp is important.

Make the unsubscribe button accessible

We know you don’t need to lose readers, however, opt-outs will happen. And nothing frustrates newsletter subscribers more than being unable to unsubscribe from an email newsletter. Don’t attempt to trick the user and hide the unsubscribe button. White textual content on a white background is just plain old mean. As an alternative, make it accessible within the footer. So if a person should decide that they no longer need to receive your email, they can easily unsubscribe instead of sending you a (probably mean) email asking you to take them off your list.

Monitor your competitors

If you need to make your email campaigns more successful, it could be useful to see how your local competitors are handling their email marketing campaigns. Subscribe to their email lists and see what type of content they’re including, promotions they’re providing, what kind of emails they said, how often they send a newsletter, and what elements they included in their email template layout. Don’t take this tip the wrong manner—we are not saying to copy what other small businesses are doing! instead, use this tip to make certain you are sending emails that are different and more engaging than the competition.

Email Marketing

Increase the Conversion Rates of Your Email Campaigns with A/B Testing

A/B testing isn’t just a buzz term that is going to go away with time. A/B testing is your train ticket into understanding your visitor’s behavior and a way to increase your conversion rates (Email Marketing). Testing on digital channels is so easy. But still, many marketers neglect this topic or deprioritize this topic due to their daily workload. For most businesses, their website conversion rates range from 1 to 3% and only 22% of companies are satisfied with their conversion. The stark truth is that most companies opt out of using A/B test experiments despite the positive results.

What should you be testing to improve your email campaign performance?


With A/B testing you can also test the best timing to send out your email campaigns (time of the week, day). For this, you will need to take a look at the previous messages and analyze them regarding the time of open and time of click. That can give you a first hint about which timestamps to test. As has been said for a long time already, Tuesday is supposed to be the best day to send your email(Email Marketing India), as you can also see from the above infographic in which Coschedule combined 10 studies around the best time to send an email, However, when everyone starts sending on Tuesday, will that stay the same? Each audience is different, as well as each offering and therefore, it is import to keep on testing in order to see which result work best for your audience.

Subject lines

We recommend doing a subject line test for every email sent out. Sending out two different subject lines at random is not going to get you the desired results. Follow a systematic process of:

  • Laying your goals- what do you want to learn?
  • Set the testing ground rules- i.e. number of recipients, length of test etc.
  • Run the A/B tests

There are also many free tools to check out your subject lines (Email Marketing India). Take advantage of the tools at your disposal. Just make sure you are thorough in your intentions and planning methods. You could also test personalization. Leverage your data and include a snippet of a subscriber’s personal information in the subject line. Some recipients may appreciate this kind of individual connection; others may just feel creeped out. Either way, you won’t know until you take a few calculated risks and compare the responses.

Best creative elements

For important Email Marketing Campaigns (e.g. sales promotions) it is advisable to test the creative elements in an email (e.g. buttons, images) as it can have a significant effect on the success rate of the campaigns (Email Marketing India). When it comes to the color of your buttons you need to stop a moment and really take color seriously. Color has been known to affect one’s mood and therefore plays a part in decision making. Certain colors pop out more and others have the ability to fade away and cause you to lose concentration on the button at hand. Here are a few tips:

  • Go for contrast
  • Make your CTA’s “pop”
  • Make sure your color choice is in line with your Brand
  • Be consistent

Wording CTA buttons

This one is specifically important to make sure your recipients act as you want them to act. For mobile push messages, this is where you get the approval to send push messages so the actual words raise your opt-ins. The same goes for emails, should you rather say “read more” or “download free email article”. If you want them to act as you want then you have to give them a reason to push the button. You also need to be sure that the wording of the button is written with clear intent. The wording should be a direct instruction to your audience that will make them do a certain action. Make sure it is clear and specific and give your audience a reason for completing the action. If they don’t click on the CTA, there’s good chance you did not accomplish what you set out to do and your CTA button was not direct enough, so optimize accordingly.

Email Marketing

Reasons of Soft and Hard bounce in Email Marketing

What is a soft and hard bounce in email marketing?

All bounces divided into two main categories. When you open up an Email Marketing Campaign report, you will notice 2 bounced tabs – soft bounce and hard bounce.

A soft bounce is an email message that gets as far as the recipient’s mail server (Email Marketing India) but bounced back undelivered before it gets to the intended recipient. It is a temporary issue.

A hard bounce is an email message that has been returned to the sender and is permanently undeliverable.

Soft bounce reasons

Here are the possible reasons for soft bounces and how to deal with them:

Full mailbox

Some of your recipients’ mailboxes (Email Marketing India) have limitations in terms of capacity. If this limit reached, your newsletter (Email Marketing India) will be bounced back. The subscriber will remain active in your account and you can try resending the campaign (Email Marketing) to this subscriber the next day.

Server timeout

As servers are not 100% issue-proof, sometimes the message will not be delivered. It can happen due to recipient’s server being overloaded, temporarily unavailable or under maintenance. In such case, we recommend resending the campaign to such recipient at a later time.

Message too large

Although this normally never happens, some recipients’ inboxes might have sensitive filters, that restrict the message size. Check your email marketing campaign, make sure it’s not a kilometer long heavily loaded with huge images and .gif files.
An important thing to note is that in Mailcot a soft bounced email address will remain active. However, after soft bouncing for 5 consecutive times, it will become hard bounce and inactive.

Hard bounce reasons

Here are the popular hard bounce reasons:

Email address does not exist

This is the most common hard bounce reason. Normally this happens if the email address has a typo in it or the owner has disabled the address or maybe switched providers. If you notice a lot of hard bounces in your first email marketing campaign to a new list – you will have to verify the rest of the list with an online email validation tool.

Email blocked by recipient’s server

Some corporate, government, institutional domains have stricter spam filter settings. While sometimes your sender domain authentication can solve the issue if you still blocked – contact the recipient and ask to add your sender email address to their inbox address book.

Tips and general advice

Bounces, especially hard ones, are actually damaging your sender reputation. If your bounce rate is high (above 5%), it means that you also have a lot of non-existing email addresses in your database.

By sending to a non-existing email address you can hit a spam trap. This would result in a significant damage in terms of deliverability. Your campaigns would land into a spam folder and some stricter spam filters might block them altogether.


  • Always make sure you are uploading only active subscribers when moving from another ESP.
  • Always use double opt-in to collect email addresses. It will discard fake email addresses (sometimes recipients enter fake email addresses in order to just receive freebies) via confirmation link that sent to the recipient during the opt-in and it may resolve a lot of issues.
  • If you haven’t sent a single campaign to a list for more than a year – it’s a good idea to validate that list.
  • Use a trustworthy email validation tool, such as NeverBounce. Cheap or free tools are not reliable.
  • If you think there’s a mistake with a particular hard bounced email – contact us and we’ll check the bounce log.
  • Use reliable opt-in tools to collect subscribers. Don’t use purchased, rented, publicly available or 3rd party lists.
Email Marketing

Email Marketing Best practices for B2C Marketers

While email marketing is a priority overall, the pressures driving the strategy differ slightly. 55% of B2B email marketers cited the need to hit annual organizational revenue goals as the number one priority, while 71 percent of B2C email marketers noted that measuring marketing’s contribution to revenue is strongly valued as a key performance indicator. Both groups reported low favorable effectiveness levels at connecting marketing efforts to revenue, indicating a skill gap that needs to be addressed.

Email marketing IndiaWhile program goals may differ for B2B and B2C email marketers, there are some common best practices that top-performing email marketers use to achieve success. A few highlights:

Prioritize email marketing for a greater ROI

B2C marketers who prioritize email marketing average an 89 percent higher contribution to revenue, vs. marketers lacking such priorities. They also reported an email open rate that’s 167 percent higher. And click-through rate also 2.3 times higher compared to organizations lacking such prioritization. Those who don’t prioritize the program are seeing a decline in performance. It means that B2C email marketers have two options- either aim to master it on your own or find a trusted partner to manage the program for you.

Integrate data-driven campaigns for success

B2B email marketers will often test and optimize campaigns to distill distinct formulas for success. 59%  say they can duplicate the results of effective campaigns with this approach. 70% of B2B email marketers can identify the most profitable customers in their networks to maximizes the value of outreach. With data at their fingertips, B2B email marketers are more effective in developing repeatable processes and personalized campaigns. This presents a huge opportunity for B2C marketers to learn more about your customers, build behavioral profiles for them, and then deliver more relevant email marketing, such as what we’re bringing to customers with the acquisition of Tagga.

Personalization is key

Most B2B (55 percent) and B2C email marketers (69 percent) are effective at maintaining consistent, relevant, personalized communications with customers. 63% of B2B marketers segment email marketing efforts by industry, topic or vertical to avoid any unsegmented “blast” email campaigns.

Email Marketing

Mistakes.. While Doing Email Marketing

Ignoring segmentation

Every week you design your emails (Email Marketing India) with the latest articles and promotions, you add all the content, and you send it to your entire email list. What’s wrong with that? Aren’t you supposed to send emails? Well, yes, but here’s the problem with sending your email to all your subscribers.

Email Marketing IndiaSince you have limited time, instead of forgetting about segmenting all together, you should at least separate your audience into different groups that have certain similarities. There are three main ways you can segment your audience:


This includes information such as age, gender, company position, and income level. You can use demographic data to tailor your message and increase the relevance of your emails, which also increases the effectiveness of each email you send. You can get most of this information during the signup process.


Knowing where your subscribers are located can be powerful if you run a local business. You can use geolocation segmentation to send the following types of email campaigns:

Time-based. If you have customers across different time zones, you can send the emails to adapt to their local hour. Who likes to get a promotional email at 4 AM after all?

Regional promotions If you have several stores in different locations (within a city or region), you can send focused emails for discounts for people who are close to a store.

Location-specific content. You can use the subscriber’s location to use it in your content, subject line, and images.


This represents those subscribers who have made past purchases and other related triggers related to their shopping behavior. Some examples of emails based on transactional segmentation include:
1. Sending upsells and cross-sells that reflect previous purchases.
2. Winback campaigns based on the time of last purchase.
3. Discounts based on the price sensibility of a segment.
4. Loyalty programs based on the number of purchases made.

That’s enough to make you want to start using segmentation in your emails.

Using a boring subject line

People get heaps of emails every day. How will your company stand out if your emails have unappealing subject lines?

The importance of subject lines isn’t a minor issue. 33% of email recipients decide whether or not to open an email based on subject line alone.

So making your subject lines click-worthy is a must-do.

One effective way to make your subject lines attractive is by using urgency. What drives the power of urgency is scarcity. If you specify that scarce object of desire, people will want it. In the case of subject lines, people will open the email to see how they can get what they don’t have.

You can also add urgency to your subject lines is by setting a specific deadline. If the offer lasts until a specific date, add it to the subject line.

Another effective way to add urgency to your subject lines is to include phrases such as:

Today only
Few products left
Last products available
For X hours only
24-hour giveaway
It’s also important not to promise something that you won’t deliver in your email. It’s an easy way to get ignored forever.

Get the How to Be an Email Subject Line Superhero guide

One of the hardest tasks any email marketer (Email Marketing India) has is to define how many emails to send their subscribers.

In 2015, TechnologyAdvice ran a survey in which they asked 472 U.S. adults, “For what reasons have you marked a business’ emails as spam?”

At first sight, you would have imagined their answers would include “irrelevant content” or “bad promotions.”

45% said it was because they received too many emails.

To test the point of saturation, you can start reducing the number of emails sent up to the point where you see a decrease in engagement and revenue. You can try the same but inversely: increase the amount sent up to the point the revenue decreases. Remember to communicate any changes in send frequency or cadence to your subscribers in advance.

Sending emails inconsistently

As observed previously, some companies send too many emails to their subscribers.

But there’s another common mistake that many companies make

They send too few emails

This may be due to the fact some companies don’t see the value of email. Some still have a hard time understanding the value of email marketing and why they should use it. Other companies may not have enough resources to spend on email marketing.

Whatever the case, if your company sends emails irregularly, your subscribers may forget you.

The key to a successful email marketing strategy is consistency. That means, sending emails regularly. Whether that’s once a week or twice a month; people should be able to expect your emails at a given frequency.

Overcomplicating the design

Instead of overcomplicating your email design (Email Marketing India), you need to make it simple. Check out our email design checklist for helpful tips to create emails that convert.

Your emails should always be in sync with your brand and your overall design aesthetics but if the design lessens the impact of the content within the email, you may not get the results you desire.

Remember that email is a communications channel; the goal is to talk to your customers, to educate them, and hopefully, motivate them to buy from you.

Images and visuals are absolutely a critical part of marketing your product or service. If you didn’t add any images to your emails, it could be fatal to your branding and your conversions. The key, however, is to hit the right balance of content and images in a way that will benefit both your email’s performance and your subscribers.

Email Marketing

Top Qualities of Email Marketing Technologists

Traditionally, the marketing technologist had been highly innovative in coming up with perfect plans for building product interest and gaining ability leads. but the digital penetration at scale has not only changed overall marketing however it has developed a need for a special kind of marketing specialists: The marketing technology experts (men of advertising & technology).

That is an extraordinary breed of people who can be creative and innovative on the same time, who fathom the want to come up with a strategic digital plan and continuously make certain a great ROI by constantly analyzing and bettering their solutions.

Email marketing India

Here are the top 6 qualities that you must look for in every Marketing Technologist:

Strategic Planner

A marketing Technologist makes sure that the business desires of the customer aligned with the marketing thoughts which they share. Besides understanding the customer’s requirement from the scratch and building a strategic modern plan for them, the marketing Technologist also makes sure that the initiatives and campaigns performed on time. Being consistent and persistent in terms of providing out of the field ideas is 2d nature of every marketing technologist.

Analysing and further optimizing the campaigns is one of the core responsibilities. This helps create smart segments, optimize the frequency and quality of campaigns, therefore giving a good ROI.

Consistent Role-Player

A marketing Technologist is consistent with sharing ideas, analysis, technology consultancy and at times, even business consultancy. Smart workshops on best practices and latest improvements performed by way of the technologists each month or each quarter, to align the customers with their current and latest digital assets.

As a strategic partner, marketing technologists also circulate an “idea ebook” to all of the customers once each month which incorporates calendar events and ideas around them for the month. This helps clients to plot out their campaigns earlier, therefore giving the customers a true experience. 

“Make it Happen” is the motto

“Marketing Krypton” might exist. However, the men of technology might surely triumph over its weakness and get things done even if they should go that extra mile. A marketing technologist makes sure he delivers an award-winning experience followed via remarkable results.

Creative Human

A marketing technologist has in her a flair of both an artist and a scientist. What good is a marketing technologist if she can not drive it without out-of-the-box and actionable strategies.

All-time Leader

A marketing Technologist is also a technological leader, who helps you drive and leads you to your preferred output. He acts like a real-life “Bahubali” in some cases where impossible things made possible.

Excellent Mentor

It can be an outstanding asset to have a marketing Technologist working with your organization. She/he can not only be a mentor. However, will also bring out the best – working hand in hand with your marketing teams.

Email Marketing, Lead Nurturing

Ways to Integrate Interactive Content Into Email Marketing

Surprise and delight your subscribers

Many emails (Email Marketing India) that your subscribers receive are pretty run-of-the-mill- they’re unlikely to pique much interest. However, interactivity gives you the opportunity to surprise and delight your readers with something new.

If you want to delight your subscribers, include interactive experiences such as video, memes, and GIFs within your messages (Email Marketing). Using creativity in your emails can help make your audience love you. And when your audience loves you, they’re much more likely to open your emails and click through to your website.

You can adopt a less formal, more conversational tone with these kinds of emails as well, making your audience see your brand as more human and approachable, which in turn, will make them want to connect with you.

email Marketing IndiaUse psychology to boost results

Interactive content (Email Marketing) works because of powerful psychological triggers. Consumers are driven to interact with core psychological components such as curiosity or the brain’s ability to respond to operant conditioning.

Understanding and leveraging these key psychological principles will help you build the best possible interactive campaigns, and will entice recipients to engage with your brand.

Once you understand the motivation behind why people click, read, and share, it becomes easier to integrate those successful elements.

Combine interactive experiences with personalization efforts

In order to create personalized experiences, you need information about your subscribers (Email Marketing). You need to know their preferences, interests, location, gender, age etc in order to send compelling Email Marketing Campaigns. Interactive experiences provide the perfect platform for gaining information about your subscribers. And you can use interactivity to offer insights in exchange.

Promote interactive campaigns that deliver what subscribers want

Consider what your subscribers want to know. Are they wondering which newsletters (Email marketing) to subscribe to from a given publisher? Are they worried that they can’t afford a home where they live? What’s the information that they want to know that you can provide?

If you’re able to provide the information subscribers want, then they’ll be more likely to click-through your email marketing campaigns.

Ask yourself: How can your business solve a potential customer’s problem and drive conversions? When your problem solves for your customers, they are almost compelled to open your emails, click through, and read your content.

Incorporate fun – with no explicit sales goal

It’s tempting to make sure that every email (Email Marketing) you send has an explicit sales goal, but emails are also an important aspect of building brand awareness and encouraging customer loyalty. When it comes to improving engagement, sheer entertainment may be the way to go.

Try sending out something entertaining for a holiday or making your monthly newsletter (Email Marketing) interactive. Some of the highest CTRs (click-through rate) you’ll ever get are from emails that don’t have much to do with a promotion or your business but still redirect to your website or other content within the email.

Email Marketing

Metrics Every Email Marketer Needs to Know

Before you delve too deep into learning everything there is to know about email marketing, take a step back. Determine what your goals are for email marketing, and then decide how you will measure your success.

Of course, each email marketing campaign can be different, especially if you have different goals for different campaigns. However, there are some basic metrics every email marketer should learn how to track.

Email Marketing IndiaOpen rate

Is the simplest email marketing KPI, and vital to understanding how well your subscribers are receiving your messages. Open rate simply tracks how many subscribers opened the email you sent.

Open rates can give you insight into the success of your subject line copy. Other strategies like using emoticons in subject lines and keeping subject lines direct and short can increase open rates as well.

As a baseline, most email marketing campaigns average an open rate of a little over 24%. If you manage a campaign with open rates higher than that, you know you are doing something right.

Click-through rate (CTR)

Is another common metric that can be telling of how well your campaigns are performing. CTR measures how many people clicked on the links in your email. When crafting an email, there are a few great ways to increase click-through rates. First, is to include links in the email everywhere it makes sense. Additionally, include a clear and easy to see a call to action button that subscribers can click on to redeem your offer.

Conversion rate

Your click-through rate will tell you how many people clicked your link, while your conversion rate will tell you how many people clicked on the link and then completed a specific action. Conversion rates are necessary to measure because they give you unique insight into your return on investment. When you know how much you have spent and how many subscribers are converting, it’s easier to determine if the money you are putting into your campaign is really paying off in the end.

Bounce rate

When sending an email campaign, you also want to track the bounce rate. Bounce rate measures how many subscriber email addresses didn’t receive your email at all. Soft bounces track temporary problems with email addresses and hard bounces track permanent problems with email addresses.

Measuring bounce rates against open rates will give you a more solid idea of the quality of your subscriber lists. If you have a high percentage of hard bounces, it indicates your list may be full of fake email addresses, old email addresses, or addresses with mistakes in them.

You can preemptively decrease your bounce rates by requiring a double opt-in. This means subscribers have to verify their email address and confirm they want to receive emails from your brand. This is a great option considering you want the quality of your email list to remain high and your bounce rate to stay low.

Number of unsubscribes

Measuring unsubscribes is pretty cut and dry. Any email provider will tell you how many people unsubscribed upon receiving an email from you. This is usually displayed on your main dashboard or your metrics dashboard.

It’s easy to get discouraged when you see a high number of unsubscribes. However, professional email marketers often count unsubscribes as a good thing. Why? Because it means you are fine-tuning your subscriber list.

Spam complaints

There is little worse than putting your talent and creativity into an email only for it to get marked as spam. Seriously. Talk about a bummer. You may want to ignore those that can’t appreciate a good email when they see one, but, unfortunately, you need to pay attention to spam complaints.

Why? Because if this rate gets too high, it’s possible your email service provider will take action against you and/or block your account. Email service providers want to ensure quality and tracking spam complaints is one way they can do it.

Forwarding rate/email sharing

Forwarding rate/email sharing measures the percentage of recipients who either shared your post via social media or forwarded it to a friend.

This is an awesome metric to track because it gives you an idea of how many brand advocates you have. In other words, it tells you what percentage of subscribers are recommending your emails to others.

Developing brand advocates through email marketing is a great strategy, especially considering 81% of consumer’s purchasing decisions are influenced by friends’ social media posts.

Overall ROI

Overall ROI is a metric every email marketer should track. It tells you the overall return on investment for your campaigns. This means the total revenue divided by the total spend.

You can calculate this by taking the money you made in sales from the campaign minus the money you spent to execute the campaign divide it by the money invested in the campaign and then times that by 100. That will tell you your overall ROI.

Email marketing can be an investment, but thankfully, it also has the highest ROI out of any digital marketing strategy.

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Daily. Someday is not a day of the week. Class aptent taciti.
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