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5 Essential Tips for Creating Mobile-Friendly Emails

why are mobile-friendly emails so important?

In today’s era, the use of smartphones is increasing frequently and with this the amount of people reading email on mobile devices is also increasing. This number is 30% since 2010 to 2015, and I believe it’s a really easy win that it’s steadily increasing. This means that you have to compose the message, which is well versatile. Mobile friendly email is also a type of email that we ideally display between our desktop / laptop and cell phone. And also, make sure it looks great in front of your customers and prospects read it.



If your emails are mobile friendly, you may miss the opportunity to engage your customers and drive results. So carefully examine seven simple, yet essential tips that any marketer can use to make their email more mobile-friendly.

Here are five essential things that will enable you to write mobile-friendly emails:

01# As may be acceptable both in plan and substance

The core of any email should be a clear and compact message, but it is more important when designing for mobile. Screen real estate on mobile is extremely important (this is going to be a common theme), so keep the design very clean and straightforward and focus on the essentials.

02# Use a single section layout

Due to the limited real estate found with cell phones, it is usually better to use basic designs. With a regular multi-segment design, your readers will need to zoom or view their smartphone to see everything. This can make it difficult for them to detect the substance of your email and call to action.

03# Use a single, clear suggestion to take action

Make a point to include an appropriate invitation to take action, and place it close to the highest point in your email. Many action calls often complicate things a bit on mobile. Tell your readers what you need them to do and it is really easy for them to do so.

04# Avoid tiny fonts

Verify your content as it can be read effectively. Use a minimum size 11pt font for body content and 22pt for features. We additionally suggest using a strong contrast of dark materials such as colors on light foundations. Many reduce the level of brightness on a mobile device to help conserve batteries – and they refuse to go out in regular daylight – so a strong contrast of colors will be easier to read.

05# Take it easy on pictures

Here just use the pictures that are required for your mobile friendly email. Here’s why: Apple’s iOS enables the resulting images to be shown. But many other mobile devices are phased out such as Android – turn off images by default. Also, you cannot expect your images to be shown. And also, if your email contains a bundle of pictures. They can just look like pieces of white space and light of this. We also suggest including image descriptions. It helps to tell people what the picture is when it is not being displayed.

For more related information, Go and check out migomail and telcob.

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