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Email Split Testing

Email Campaign, Email Marketing

Email Marketing to Promote Your Next Webinar

Promote your Webinar by Sending Emails

Promoting your webinar is the key to having a successful event. However, opposed to simple Facebook posts and tweets, an email invite to a webinar is essentially equivalent to a folded birthday party invite in the world of marketing; it’s personal, it’s important, and you’re saying “we care.” In fact, email invitations are responsible for 58-64% of webinar registrations.

Email Marketing to promote Webinar

It’s no secret that the inbox of marketing professionals is…cluttered, to say the least, as it very well might be with your target audience. So, what’s the most effective way to get your email invite noticed? Follow these email marketing campaign tips to get extra registrations for your next webinar.

Importance of Name & Subject Line

It’s important that every email you send to your audience is as personal as possible. With that said, it wouldn’t exactly make sense to have the email be “from” your business. People like to hear from people. So, consider making your email from the president of your company, or head of the department. Seeing a person’s name as opposed to a business name will incline users to see what this person has to say to them.

Companies have found success with “from” names a few different ways. One is to simply put the name of a person of high status in the company, and another is to put a name + business name. Another way to best utilize the “from” input is to use business name + webinar. If your audience is used to seeing your business name in their inbox, this may be the best route to go.

Email Split Testing

The best way to find out which strategy to use for your email marketing campaign is to split test the different options. For example, you can test your entire email list on whether “From: First & Last Name” works better than “From: First & Last Name, Company Name”. Measure how many opens each email gets, along with clicks on links and number of registers.

Another critical element of every email in a campaign is the subject line. Much like the meta information in search engine results, the subject of every email gives the recipient a glimpse at what the email is about, so they don’t have to waste their time with things they’re not interested in.

In order to use your subject line to increase click-through rates, make sure to:

  • Keep them short
  • Make it personal
  • Use action words
  • Indicate how the reader will benefit

Once you’ve figured out the topic and outline of your webinar, your campaign is ready to begin. In order to fully utilize the potential of email marketing.

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